Stories Tagged: foreign policy

The Importance of Voting in the 2024 Election: Insights from an Essay Contest

America's foreign policy is often shaped by domestic politics, with ideological positions and... (13 revisions)

Supporters Rally for Trump's America-First Policies and Peace Through Strength

Supporters at a rally for former President Donald Trump in Chesapeake, Virginia expressed... (25 revisions)

The Incoherence of America's Foreign Policy: A History of Inconsistency

American foreign policy has a long history of inconsistency and a lack of commitment to... (14 revisions)

US Secretary of State Blinken Utilizes AI to Combat Misinformation

Garrett Berntsen has been appointed as the new Deputy Chief Digital and AI Officer at the... (43 revisions)

The Impact of Modi's Support for Israel on India's Position on Kashmir

In recent news, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's support for Israel in the Israel-Hamas... (1 revisions)

Türkiye Celebrates 100th Anniversary and Unveils Visionary 'Century of Türkiye'

The Republic of Türkiye celebrates its 100th anniversary and unveils its vision for the 'Century... (1 revisions)

The Challenges Facing Westminster: Geopolitical Shifts, Economic Breakdown, and the Climate Crisis

The Westminster panto is in full swing, but there are real dangers waiting in the wings. The... (1 revisions)

Learning from Japan: Key Foreign Policy Lessons for Luxon’s Administration

The Luxon administration needs to thoroughly understand circumstances before shaping its foreign... (1 revisions)

The Erosion of Truth and its Impact on Global Stability

In a world where media and culture play a significant role in shaping society, the erosion of... (1 revisions)

India Clarifies Stance on Bangladesh and Supports Stable and Progressive Future

India has clarified its stance on Bangladesh, expressing support for a stable and progressive... (2 revisions)

The Myth of Washington's Rules-Based World Order and the Power of International Norms

The concept of a 'rules-based' world order promoted by the United States is a myth, as... (2 revisions)

Kissinger at 100: A Complex Historical Legacy

Henry Kissinger, a complex figure in global affairs, passed away at the age of 100, leaving... (2 revisions)

U.S. Government Dysfunction Raises Concerns Among Allies

Foreign diplomats have expressed concern over the partisan politics and political dysfunction in... (2 revisions)

The Global Credibility Gap: Impact on Geopolitics and International Relations

The global strategic landscape is experiencing unprecedented cascading turbulence, posing... (4 revisions)

Noam Chomsky's Impact on Global Issues and the Importance of Reading His Work

Noam Chomsky, a prominent public intellectual, has had a lasting impact on various global... (4 revisions)

Anwar Ibrahim's Diplomatic Triumphs and Commitment to Restore Malaysia's Global Reputation

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been actively engaged in diplomatic discussions to... (4 revisions)

Kenya and the US Establish Economic Diplomacy Groups to Promote Global Engagement

In an effort to tap into global opportunities and promote economic and social transformation,... (4 revisions)

The Impact of Foreign Policy on Music Traditions: From Ukraine to Puerto Rico and Beyond

In addition to the impact of gentrification on New York City's vibrant music scene in the 1970s... (5 revisions)

Moody's Warning, Bad Polls, and Analysts' Concerns Cast Doubt on Biden's Presidency

Moody's has issued a warning about a possible downgrade of the US credit rating due to political... (5 revisions)

The Challenges of Achieving True Independence and Sovereignty in the Philippines

The issue of poverty in the Philippines is a pressing concern that requires attention and... (6 revisions)

China's Role in the Venezuela-Guyana Dispute and Its Impact on Regional Relations

The escalating territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana has not only attracted the... (6 revisions)

Vietnam's 'Bamboo Diplomacy' and the Impact of its Anti-Corruption Drive

Vietnam's foreign policy approach, known as 'bamboo diplomacy', has gained momentum as the... (6 revisions)

New Zealand's Perspective on the Decline of the US

The United States, once considered the world's dominant superpower, is no longer in that... (7 revisions)

The Legacy of the Cold War: Impact on Cuban-Soviet Relations and U.S.-Cuba-USSR Triangle

The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 marked the symbolic end of the Cold War. Geopolitical events... (7 revisions)

Nigeria's Ambition to Join BRICS: A Strategic Move to Diversify Options

Nigeria's aspiration to join the BRICS group of nations has been met with criticism and... (8 revisions)

The Role of Trade Expectations in Shaping Foreign Policy: Insights from Dale C. Copeland's Book

Dale C. Copeland's book 'A World Safe for Commerce: American Foreign Policy from the Revolution... (9 revisions)

German-American Conference 2024 Explores the New Realities of Democracy and Transatlantic Relations

The 2024 German-American Conference took place in Washington, D.C. in April. The conference... (12 revisions)

UK's Foreign Policy Balancing Act: Middle East Escalation and Ukraine Crisis

The UK's foreign policy faces a delicate balancing act as it navigates the escalating tensions... (15 revisions)

The Impact of Biden's Policies on US Security, Economy, and Pakistan's Future

The United States has seen a resurgence of power and influence under the leadership of President... (16 revisions)

India's Foreign Policy Under Modi 3.0: Successes and Priorities

S. Jaishankar, India's External Affairs Minister, has been reappointed in the new government,... (18 revisions)

China's Gray Zone Tactics, Potential Invasion of Taiwan, and US Motives: Experts Weigh In

Tensions between China, Taiwan, and the United States have increased over the past year, with... (20 revisions)

CFR Launches Ambitious New China Strategy Initiative

Chinese President Xi Jinping recently presided over the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference... (21 revisions)

Mexico's Role in the Trade Conflict Between the US and China

Mexico, as a middle power, finds itself in the midst of the trade conflict between the United... (21 revisions)

Indonesia's Non-Aligned Foreign Policy: Balancing Limitations and Opportunities

Indonesia's non-aligned foreign policy, established in 1961, is seen by some as a limitation and... (23 revisions)

Vietnam's Police Minister To Lam Confirmed as New President Amid Ongoing Reshuffle

Vietnam's ongoing political reshuffle has taken another turn as To Lam, the country's former... (24 revisions)

The Political Significance and Implications of US Arms Sales

The controversy surrounding US aid to Israel and its impact on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict... (28 revisions)

India's Post-Election Future: Modi's Third Term and the Challenges Ahead

The swearing-in of Narendra Modi for a historic third consecutive term as India's prime minister... (34 revisions)

Nigeria Strengthens Strategic Relationships with China, Russia, and the US Amid Toughening Economic Competition

The 6th edition of the US-Nigeria Binational Commission (BNC) was held in Abuja, Nigeria, with... (40 revisions)

US and China Hold First Informal Nuclear Talks in 5 Years, Focusing on Taiwan and China's Nuclear Weapons Expansion

Former President Donald Trump's final national security adviser, Robert O'Brien, has suggested... (46 revisions)

Kenyan President Ruto's State Visit to the US Strengthens American-Kenyan Relations

Kenyan President William Ruto's state visit to the United States has garnered mixed reactions... (52 revisions)